Home About Nick Marks
Nick Markes, born in 1988 in Athens, Greece, originally known as Nicholas but commonly referred to as Nick, hails from a family with a strong educational background – his father serving as a respected school principal and his mother as a dedicated nurse. Currently residing in London, Nick is happily married and takes great pride in being a devoted father to his two daughters. Alongside his family commitments, Nick is deeply passionate about his role as the Financial Director at FC-BUREAU, where he brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table.
Nick Markes, born in 1988 in Athens, Greece, originally known as Nicholas but commonly referred to as Nick, hails from a family with a strong educational background – his father serving as a respected school principal and his mother as a dedicated nurse. Currently residing in London, Nick is happily married and takes great pride in being a devoted father to his two daughters. Alongside his family commitments, Nick is deeply passionate about his role as the Financial Director at FC-BUREAU, where he brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table.
Nick Markes showcases exceptional proficiency in his position as the Financial Director at FC-BUREAU, where he serves as a key link to the Chief Financial Officer. Acknowledged for his outstanding contributions, Nick was honored with the prestigious Outstanding Award from the Society in 2023, a testament to his dedication and excellence in the field. His academic journey commenced at the esteemed University of London, where he immersed himself in the intricacies of university strategy, annual reports, and financial statements, laying a solid foundation for his successful career in finance.
Nick’s impressive career trajectory in the finance sector began as a financial advisor at LPL Financial, swiftly ascending to the pivotal role of Financial Director at FC-BUREAU. In his current capacity, Nick plays a crucial role in overseeing financial planning, risk management, reporting, and analysis within the organization, demonstrating his strong leadership and financial acumen.
Nick Markes stands out as a highly respected figure in the financial industry, known for his strategic vision and unwavering dedication to optimizing financial performance. As FC-BUREAU’s CFO, he continues to lead the organization towards unprecedented levels of prosperity and success through his strategic acumen, relentless pursuit of excellence, and invaluable contributions to the company’s financial success. His strong leadership skills, coupled with his deep understanding of financial management, make him an indispensable asset to FC-BUREAU.